Yes. This is not to be laughed at. This is what the enterprise mobility is doing to our work life. And there are compelling reasons to believe that this is just a beginning and the transformation towards the handheld device is going to last much longer than initially thought of. If anyone feels that this is going to fizzle out anytime soon, he or she is grossly mistaken.
The last ten years has seen the power of cloud in enterprise software. The most dramatic impact of cloud software has been that it has bridged the technological divide between the big boys and small entrepreneurs. The intranet and server enabled ERPs were never feasible for the small businesses and this was a big backlog on their efficiency and productivity. Now, this have started reversing- the cloud software is giving competitive edge to the smaller enterprises and the bigger ones have been compelled to re-think and switch over to cloud due to its superior work experience and cost efficiency.
Just like the last ten years witnessed the transition to cloud, according to me, the next ten years will see the dramatic shift of enterprise software from laptops and desktops to mobile devices. The most decisive factor to say so is the addictive user behavior which has become visible diluting the last one year. People do not like to switch on their laptops, they find the 30-60 seconds time it takes to operate very annoying. They feel lethargic to press even mouse. Earlier, the shift from key pad to mouse was the precursor of a new revolution. Now, the switch over from mouse to finger movement is proving to be an equally revolutionary transition. The power of this transition will become more globally visible within one to two years from now.
The mobile ends of the enterprise software are destined to become more and more complex and richer in their functionality. Initially, the mobile end was providing only the most vital and urgent aspects of application that were necessary for the mobile work force. But gradually, the mobile applications will carry almost all the features even for the senior managers, admin roles and supervisors. Interesting will be to see that even those working from their stationary offices will prefer the mobile devices to accomplish their work related activities. Gradually, they will find that it is only the mobile app that can keep them in constant touch with their priorities and prove to be like a shadow and a reliable partner. Once they start accessing their work on mobile from toilets, the resistance to switch over to laptop or desktops will be very high even when they are stationed in their own cabins.
Moreover, the advancements in mobile hardware – the Processors and the storage, combined with the upgraded frameworks and increase in screen size will all contribute to gradual supremacy of mobile devices in case of enterprise software.
However, in spite of all these changes coming very fast and exponentially, it is going to take substantial time, at least 10 years as per our estimate for the transition to enterprise mobility to dominate the scene. To have insights about the challenges that lie ahead on the transition to enterprise mobility – do not forget to visit the next blog –
Enterprise mobility issues- from technology to leadership